It is safe to say, Rembrandt is one of the true masters. His work moves me in so many ways, you can feel the atmosphere brooding in the pieces he creates. His work is technically beautiful, emotionally inspiring, and aesthetically awe-worthy. I spent a fair amount of time taking in the colours, technical ability, and overall imagery in the room particularly dedicated to his work in the Louvre, it is a particularly favourite part of the Louvre for me. There is only one other place I spend more time as far as art pieces are concerned, and that is infront of the first ever Francis Bacon piece I saw in the Manchester Art Gallery - I have written a section in my sketchbook about this experience.
This self-portrait is renowned worldwide for it's depth, how emotive a piece can be even with the subject not suggesting anything particular. I see solitude, inadequacy, complacency and contentedness in this piece, as I view the piece it inspires me to solidly work on and further hone my abilities as an artist, relying more on technique, skill and building on the traditional talent I have, producing contemporary pieces with a traditional twist of sheer schooled technique and learnt skill to reinforce the imagery.
The majority of pieces here are portraits yes, and in all honesty I prefer them, the face absolutely astounds me in what it can produce, and every face is different, giving a neverending supply of imagery to work with, through a neverendingly changing face throughout not only the period of time, but quite simply in the vast and complex amount of emotions the face can convey.
© Dean Ross.
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